A Blog about Discovery.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Philosophy for the non-philosophical.

I have fifteen minutes before I am forcing myself to work out. My brain is FULL and I need to write. This happens a lot. I have said amount of free time, and despite my greatest effort to fill it with working out, I find myself enthralled with the discovery of: 2012/Dubai's newest buildings/hulu.com/Family Guy episodes/reorganizing my fridge and beyond. Today, sparked by discussion over pizza and beers with a friend, it is philosophy. Which, mind you, has morphed into the philosophic arguments for and against the existence of God. Not even attempting to go there....


All of this has made me want to know the purpose of our existence, and revel in the jaw-dropping statistic of what it takes for us to exist. (Which according to some online resource is: one-one thousandth of one-one trillionth). Mind you, I don't claim to know a lot (about anything beside Rent or Wicked), but isn't our existence as humans based upon what is true?

Is truth also fact? I say no, because it has some degree of relativity in it. So if truth is relative, it changes from person to person and evolves with us. But truth can't change, can it? But isn't truth also absolute? The world is round/I am typing on a keyboard/my coffee mug is blue. But aren't those facts?

I can't help but wonder what this bigger picture of existence is all about; and if what is true to me can be true to you. Or if it is simply a universality that cannot be debated or argued because it is absolute.

I'm sure I probably should have figured this out by now at the ripe age of 25, but I think I am only the brink of discovery. I put this out there in effort to get resources, thoughts, and an open dialogue. Comment or message me or whatever, and lets talk over coffee/dominos/family guy.

It's 70 degrees, not a cloud in the sky, and my 15 minutes are up. Damn you exercise, for getting in my way.

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