A Blog about Discovery.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

A moment of clarity.

Do you ever have moments when you start to look at something generally, then it becomes much more specific upon your examination? 

I'll start with my apartment. I'll be like, "Damn, I should clean this is borderline disgusting". And so I will finally give in and start.  The more I begin to clean, the more I am looking in the corners of the floor seeing dustand hair and things I never saw. As I'm cleaning, I'm 
thinking, "Well thank God I started doing this, wh...what is that?"

That happened tonight. But with life. And decisions. And relationships. I
 realized how much I have sacrificed in being so consumed everyday with pushing myself, keeping going, and sometimes just survival. Why do I begin these rants at 2:30 am? Ay.

It is just interesting to start seeing things specifically. And to start seeing people specifically. No one is general. Not one thing is general. I take such pleasure in making lame small conversation with my buddy at the 7-11, people at Wells Fargo (especially the 
parking attendant who also does night time gigs as DJ Robin), and the parking guy at Kinkos who laughs at my driving. The days I start talking or more importantly, listening and observing, I see there is so much more to it than what meets the eye. 

It's fascinating once you start to look directly into someone's eyes, whether stranger or friend, and see they have a story and a world, and I don't want to miss it anymore.

So I found some Post Secrets that go along with this concept. For those of you who 
aren't familiar, http://postsecret.blogspot.com/ is a blog where postcards are put up, but people
 send in a postcard to this anonymous address with their secret on it. I find a whole lotta joy every Sunday morning when new ones are posted. Here are the few that struck me tonight. 

So lets stop being stuck in our silly worlds and actually connect......

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