A Blog about Discovery.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Decisions Decisions.

I made some big decisions today. 

I joined twitter. 

 If the internet is the new frontier I want to be involved. So I venture to play the odds. And this video made me rethink my viewpoint on it. Do we really have the power as individuals to relay media to the world just as well the news conglomerates do? 
So, whatever, tweet me @ haelyscomet

The second decision has an upside and a downside:

I will no longer hosting LA Talk Radio's morning show with the lovely Sam *cue sigh sound bite*, but will be doing my own weekly show TBA very soon *cue cheering sound bite*.

We both realized quickly into the show that although we hit it off and had a fantastical time, there were some things I'm just not totally comfortable with discussing over the air. Sex talk a la Sex in the City with a martini in hand, sure. Over the air in the morning, not my gig. 
Sure, the beauty of internet radio is the ability to say whatever, whenever you want. But I just felt this gut thing twist in the core of my being when we're discussing things that, well, shouldn't be discussed over breakfast. It wasn't about who I thought was "listening" or about being "nervous", it's just plain and simple I'm not cut out to be the female Howard Stern. Nor do I want to be. 

It's funny, I remember looking back at a comment one of my first acting teachers told me about moving to LA. "You will be tested in anything and everything. You will have to define specific boundaries for what you will/won't do, some that you haven't even considered before." 

Man, was she right. This is one of the moments a great opportunity was presented and I am going to have to walk away, because in the end, I know it just isn't me. You can't force something to be that doesn't jive with who I am. So I will be considering what I want to do with the weekly show and really want it to be focused on new music/musicians as well as talk radio and entertaining rant.

I must say, I really admire my co-host Sam. He is not only an extremely good time, and got me hooked on the concept of daily coffee intake to increase productivity, but he believed in me enough to give me this opportunity in a medium I had never before encountered. He started the station from scratch and created something out of nothing. I look forward to showing up on the morning show every now and again to get my Sam fix. Aw yeah.

Umm, I have watched more Family Guy tonight than is typically healthy for a woman, and it's time for bed. 

Thanks to my friends and fam who tuned in. Stay tuned for what is to come. 

To listen to a few shows from this week:

And from last week:
Scroll down to see a list in the Archive.


1 comment:

  1. Tuned in today to listen to your show and your beautiful face and voice were no longer on!!! Glad to hear you are getting your own spot..congrats! Ben (Knoxville)
