A Blog about Discovery.

Thursday, April 30, 2009


Aging is strange. Feels like everyone wants to avoid it, but this year I couldn't have been more ecstatic to age another 365th day. I can officially round up to 30. I suppose I was more than ready to exit 25 and welcome adulthood with open arms.

I began acting like an adult by going to Six Flags. More than anything, I decided that people watching may be the best attraction at Six Flags. My attention was held by a dude who continued to yell "ohh yeeeaaaah, wooooo, oh yeeeeeeah!" at the top of his lungs throwing his arms up with his hands in fists as he walked behind his lady in red. He wasn't yelling to anyone, just himself. And this was well after the ride had ended. In fact, it was far away from any of the rides. I couldn't help but contemplate what he did for a living. If he can make it, this must indeed be Amurica. And by golly, I can make it to. *golf claps*

I looked upon with enthusiasm as if he was there for my entertainment, as my heart palipations returned to a normal steady beat. It was called Goliath for a reason, I tell you.

I figured I was a thrill seeker, but sweet baby Jesus, I forgot how terrifying those rides were. In fact, I think my favorite was the bumper cars if I'm going to be totally honest with you. After I figured out how the hell you strap yourself
 in with some assistance,

I realized I could also drive backwards. This gave me an advantage to suerve around any unforseen bumping and un-savvy drivers. Which, I may add, there were plenty.


For the next ride, I convinced my boyfriend we would take a nice slow log ride. Log Jammer, yes, this ride is going to be nice. I had a vague recollection of enjoying this a summer back and it's peaceful glide. No. It has the word "jammer" in it for a reason. It jams. It doesn't saunter or sway. Awesome sign also. Really? 

So unknowingly, we jammed down a waterfall and then I realized why there was no line and no one else in sight. It was 60 degrees and cloudy, and we were on a 'soak you ride.' I ended up looking like a drowned rat, with an annoyed boyfriend who expected something a bit more "peaceful and dry."

I have always half-dreaded birthdays. It is that day you have to acknowledge even if you don't feel like it. You remember who doesn't call and act like it didn't matter to you, but it really did, then you end up sulking because it is your birthday and you shouldn't be sulking over something so silly and ridiculous, they were probably just busy and forgot. Anyyyywayyy............

That didn't happen this year. I was so happy to be leaving the shit storm that was 25 I welcomed the opportunity to celebrate with open arms and gave no excuses to hold back. Nothing was stopping this party train. And it was honestly the best day ever. Goodbye you 25th year, hello you gorgeous and fabulous 26th. Lets do this. Adulthood is fun.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

A moment of clarity.

Do you ever have moments when you start to look at something generally, then it becomes much more specific upon your examination? 

I'll start with my apartment. I'll be like, "Damn, I should clean this is borderline disgusting". And so I will finally give in and start.  The more I begin to clean, the more I am looking in the corners of the floor seeing dustand hair and things I never saw. As I'm cleaning, I'm 
thinking, "Well thank God I started doing this, wh...what is that?"

That happened tonight. But with life. And decisions. And relationships. I
 realized how much I have sacrificed in being so consumed everyday with pushing myself, keeping going, and sometimes just survival. Why do I begin these rants at 2:30 am? Ay.

It is just interesting to start seeing things specifically. And to start seeing people specifically. No one is general. Not one thing is general. I take such pleasure in making lame small conversation with my buddy at the 7-11, people at Wells Fargo (especially the 
parking attendant who also does night time gigs as DJ Robin), and the parking guy at Kinkos who laughs at my driving. The days I start talking or more importantly, listening and observing, I see there is so much more to it than what meets the eye. 

It's fascinating once you start to look directly into someone's eyes, whether stranger or friend, and see they have a story and a world, and I don't want to miss it anymore.

So I found some Post Secrets that go along with this concept. For those of you who 
aren't familiar, http://postsecret.blogspot.com/ is a blog where postcards are put up, but people
 send in a postcard to this anonymous address with their secret on it. I find a whole lotta joy every Sunday morning when new ones are posted. Here are the few that struck me tonight. 

So lets stop being stuck in our silly worlds and actually connect......

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Decisions Decisions.

I made some big decisions today. 

I joined twitter. 

 If the internet is the new frontier I want to be involved. So I venture to play the odds. And this video made me rethink my viewpoint on it. Do we really have the power as individuals to relay media to the world just as well the news conglomerates do? 
So, whatever, tweet me @ haelyscomet

The second decision has an upside and a downside:

I will no longer hosting LA Talk Radio's morning show with the lovely Sam *cue sigh sound bite*, but will be doing my own weekly show TBA very soon *cue cheering sound bite*.

We both realized quickly into the show that although we hit it off and had a fantastical time, there were some things I'm just not totally comfortable with discussing over the air. Sex talk a la Sex in the City with a martini in hand, sure. Over the air in the morning, not my gig. 
Sure, the beauty of internet radio is the ability to say whatever, whenever you want. But I just felt this gut thing twist in the core of my being when we're discussing things that, well, shouldn't be discussed over breakfast. It wasn't about who I thought was "listening" or about being "nervous", it's just plain and simple I'm not cut out to be the female Howard Stern. Nor do I want to be. 

It's funny, I remember looking back at a comment one of my first acting teachers told me about moving to LA. "You will be tested in anything and everything. You will have to define specific boundaries for what you will/won't do, some that you haven't even considered before." 

Man, was she right. This is one of the moments a great opportunity was presented and I am going to have to walk away, because in the end, I know it just isn't me. You can't force something to be that doesn't jive with who I am. So I will be considering what I want to do with the weekly show and really want it to be focused on new music/musicians as well as talk radio and entertaining rant.

I must say, I really admire my co-host Sam. He is not only an extremely good time, and got me hooked on the concept of daily coffee intake to increase productivity, but he believed in me enough to give me this opportunity in a medium I had never before encountered. He started the station from scratch and created something out of nothing. I look forward to showing up on the morning show every now and again to get my Sam fix. Aw yeah.

Umm, I have watched more Family Guy tonight than is typically healthy for a woman, and it's time for bed. 

Thanks to my friends and fam who tuned in. Stay tuned for what is to come. 

To listen to a few shows from this week:

And from last week:
Scroll down to see a list in the Archive.


Friday, April 10, 2009

Religion, Radio and Random.

Food is what gets me out of bed. When it comes down to it, food is the fire under my ass. I am a 25 year old female trapped in a 8 year old boy.

I'd look like this:

And dance like this:

The point being, today I awoke with the thought of a lovely toasted cinnamon raisin bagel toasted with strawberry cream cheese frolicking through my thoughts. I pulled in, ran up to the door and a handwritten said said : CLOSED for passover. What, you can't you serve bagels even for an hour? Something about levin bread, eh? I carried on to yet another bagel establishment and it too was closed. Fine! I will settle on Coffee Bean and a bad-for-your-hips pastry. And again, closed. Why I outta...

I get it: it's LA, everyone's Jewish (or says they are). Ok I'm probably better off.

In other news: you all MUST tune in to www.latalkradio.com next week (Channel 1) as I will be back and co-hosting with Sam in the morning 9-11am.


I would love to hear what YOU want to hear on the radio. I don't want morning show cliche yabber, but interesting thought provoking stuff-you-never-thought- you'd- get content. Isn't that the point of internet radio? Watch out Howard Stern. So email me at haewhite@gmail.com, if you have ideas of what you want in a morning show while you are in your cubicle dreaming of Maui, mai tais, men in suits, multiple orgasms and mint milanos (ok, that's just me I guess).

Lastly, you shouldn't be allowed to watch movies if you can't figure out how to open the envelope. I was actually paid to do this. It's a mad, mad world.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

To Tweet or Not to Tweet- Is that the question?

Me vs. Twitter

So that we are all on the same page here, TWITTER is:

A social networking and micro blogging service that enables its users to send and read other users' updates known as tweets. Tweets are text-based posts of up to 140 characters in length. Updates are displayed on the user's profile page and delivered to other users who have signed up to receive them.

So, another social networking site to invade my incredibly fascinating fabulous life with hours of wasted time and regret? I can pass on tweeting it to strangers in the stratosphere. This exemplifies my feelings:

You could say I have been adamantly against Twitter for a while now. I suppose it originated the moment I heard someone refer "tweet" as a form of communication. And then built steam when a social networking site involving tweeting was a priority over a relationship involving real conversations. (Thank you Twestival LA). Sure, I didn't know details, and perhaps I made rash assumptions, but is it really necessary to telling the world of the Internet what you are doing every moment?

"Going to clip my toenails, going to call my grandma, going to barf all over the computer...."

(i love that I can google "barf" and some poor fat kid on spring break comes up)

But yesterday as I vigorously type into my blackberry that I am currently needing to find a tax guy, the light bulb that occupies my brain begins to flicker.

I am one of them.

I rejected the whole Twittastic concept, but yet I am loving Facebook status updates, and honestly very much intrigued by the fact that I can send out any nebulous question to be answered by anyone who cares enough to listen. Isn't that basically the same thing?

Pro's for Twitter- A facebook without all the albums, bothersome "what sex in the city character are you" apps, with a direct message chat, and the option to choose to follow anyone you please and receive their updates.
And have them follow you.
Sounds creepy when I type it out like that, doesn't it?
This guy gets to know what you are always up to.

I think I was about to join, till I got carried away and put that last picture up.

That is creepy, man.