A Blog about Discovery.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Will you be my Technical Wizard?

I wish I was a technical wizard. I regress to the mental state of mentally handicapped 8 year old boy when dealing with computers. I mean, I get it enough. That meaning that I just figured out how to incorporate pictures on this thing and it was a proud moment.

So I decided that I would be proactive and shoot some shananigans, just for my own experience, and hell, if it looked decent enough to put it on something so I could be like: look-- I can act. I just assumed my computer would hook up to the camera and it would figure it all out. And then I could teach myself new editing software, and do it all myself. I was a production major, not an effing rocket scientist. Turns out I needed firewire hookup and this computer must have been made before the internet and it didn't have one. So I venture to Best Buy, carrying computer like a small baby, and ask the largest man I've seen in some time to help me. After rambling on and dropping words that would dictate I knew what I was talking about, his eyes widend and he said, "Easy child, easy."
No help there. But at least he was kind.
So then to two more stores to get a card reader (which I had learned about via Best Buy boy) and they didn't carry them, or they were fresh out. Not giving up yet, I ask a friend for a computer to borrow, and STILL it will not upload. For real? So now, I have to pirate software I can't afford to buy to put on the other computer just to get this done. Ay.

And so, I sit here somewhat defeated. I wish so badly I was someone who was good with details and wizardry of computers. To feel like I got something useful out of today I have also had my workout clothes on....for several hours. I don't know if I'll even make it to the gym, but the percentage is a great deal higher.

Sorry man, that was painfully boring eh? I assure you I will not write anymore boring things. I am attending an epic (1000$/ticket, yes) party in a few days that will be much more exciting to blog about....just you wait.

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